domingo, 14 de enero de 2018

Negative stress Management

Make Stress Management Part of Your Lifestyle

There are many other stress-management strategies. The following are, I believe, among the most important basics:
  • Exercise. Studies have shown that during exercise, tranquilizing chemicals (endorphins) are released in your brain. Exercise is a natural way to bring your body pleasurable relaxation and rejuvenation, and has been shown to help protect against the physical effects of daily stress
  • Restorative sleep. You can have the best diet and exercise program possible but if you aren't sleeping well, your mental health can suffer and it is difficult to make healing progress. You can find 33 tips to help improve your sleep habits here.
  • Meditation (with or without the additional aid of brain wave synchronization technology) and/or practicing mindfulness daily.
  • Schedule time to eat at a leisurely pace, and make sure to maintain optimal gut health by regularly consuming fermented foods, such as fermented vegetables, or taking a high-quality probiotic supplement
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels. Low levels of vitamin D in your blood have been correlated with increased risk for depression, so optimizing your vitamin D levels may help by providing you with a stronger foundation for both physical and mental health.


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